Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday's Workout

Today was leg day! And boy did I work the legs....
Remember to adjust the weight amount for what works for you!

Warm up on the row machine 1000 meters in 8 minutes
Stairs for 10 minutes on level 10 (working up that sweat)
100 jump ropes
18 lb. body bar squats on the shoulders 20, 15, 15
18 lb. body bar squats over overhead 10,10,10
18 lb. body bar (on the shoulder) lunges 20,15,15

leg press 210 lb. 20, 15, 15
glute machine 130 lb. 20, 15, 15
leg extension 130 lb 20, 15, 15

Free weight squats - 17.5 lbs each hand 20, 20, 20

Headed outside for a 3 mile run....Call me crazy this Thursday!

...getting that AdvoCare Post-Workout Recovery Shake in within 30 minutes after workout will replenish and repair all the work you did on those muscles!


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday's Workout

Start with stretching to warm up those muscles for the workout ahead!

•Row machine 1000 meters in 8 min
•stairs for 10 minutes at a pace of 10 (you will sweat)
•12 minutes on the arc or elliptical

(Weight amount is what I use...please use what you are comfortable with)

Arm press with 70lbs 20,15,10,5
Shoulder press 30 lbs (15lbs each hand) 20,15,10,5
Bench free weights (15lbs each hand) 30 lbs 20,15,10,5
Flies 30lbs (15lbs each hand) 20,15,10,5
Curl 30lbs(15 lbs each hand) 20,15,10,5
Rows with 15 lb weight 20,15,10,5
Tricep ext. 15 lb weight 20,15,10,5

25 sky rockets
2 min. Ab bicycles
20 v-ups
(Repeat x 1)

Drink plenty of water! My choice for during my workout is AdvoCare BioCharge mixed with Red Raspberry Rehydrate

Monday, April 6, 2015

Quick Upper Body Workout

Can't get to the gym? Don't own a gym membership? Need a quick workout for the day? Here it is...

Weighted - 5 or 10lbs (or whatever works for you)
20 shoulder presses
20 curls
20 flies
20 rows
20 push-ups

(30 second break)

15 shoulder presses
15 curls
15 flies
15 rows
15 push-ups

(30 second break)

10 shoulder presses
10 curls
10 flies
10 rows
10 push-ups

(30 second break)

5 shoulder presses
5 curls
5 flies
5 rows
5 push-ups

Great job! Be sure to drink plenty of water.

My favorite hydration drink for during and after my workout is:
AdvoCare Red Raspberry Rehydrate mixed with my BioCharge

Friday, April 3, 2015

How much do you eat?

What I have found that works for me is staying on a schedule of eating every 2-3 hours. I usually have my AdvoCare Meal Replacement shake for breakfast, a snack at 10/10:30, lunch, snack at 2/3:00 and possibly another snack before supper at 5 or 5:30 depending on how busy our schedule is. If I eat an early supper I will work in a light snack before bed. I know! That's a lot of eating! What I also know that is by not eating your body holds on to the fat and stores it. If you skip breakfast or lunch your body thinks it is not going to get fed. By feeding your body every 2 to 3 hours it kicks in that metabolism and let's your body burn the fat because it knows you are going to feed it. In turn you lose weight! Yes, you eat to lose weight! Now, these meals do not consist of junk or fast food. If I do have to eat out I try to make the healthiest choices that I can. Yes, it can be done! Again my shake for breakfast is going to have balanced carbs and protein for easy digestion and balanced glucose levels. My snack in the morning usually consists of fruit and a protein with it. Lunch is a salad with protein or some sort of protein and vegetable (lots of times it's leftovers from the night before), my afternoon snack may consist of another fruit with an AdvoCare Pro20 or an AdvoCare snack bar of some sort and of course supper with protein and veggies. Notice my meals and snacks usually consist of some protein. I am very active! With four boys, homeschool, housework, exercising and just keeping up with the day I make sure I get the protein in my diet that I need! This also feeds those muscles! So, don't think that not eating is helping you lose weight. It's not! Eat!! Your body needs fuel to run!

Give yourself grace also. I don't eat perfect daily. We eat birthday cake, take the kids out for ice cream or an occasional donut! But all this in moderation at all times and especially if you have a goal to reach!

A favorite product of mine is AdvoCare Catalyst. Catalyst protects your lean muscle during weight loss but also helps build your lean muscle.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Who Do You Run For?

When starting my journey to a healthier me I started running. Isn't that what you do when you want to get in shape? You start somewhere! I remember that I couldn't even run a 1/2 mile. But, I kept working at it. I remember the feeling of pure joy and accomplishment when I reached 1 mile without having to stop. It increased to 2 miles, then 3, 4, 5 and even 10 miles. I don't run as much now and mix up my training but I still enjoy pounding out the pavement for 3 or 4 miles when I get the chance. But, there is nothing like one of my little champions heading out on a run with me. My oldest is an incredibly fast runner and sometimes this momma can't keep up with him with his long legs and long stride! But on this particular day I headed out with my 2nd oldest. He's my gymnast and he is nothing but solid muscle. This is training season for him. Competition season is over and he is working hard on conditioning and decided to tackle this hilly run with me. Pushing himself further than his comfort zone and hanging in there. As we are running we are talking about life in general but a lot of fitness and dreams and goals. He said to me..."ya know mom, I used to be puny, skinny and weak. I can't believe how far I've come and how much stronger I am. I'm proud of myself". It's amazing how alive it makes you feel when you accomplish a goal. When you surpass a standard and surprise yourself. So who are you running for? Run for YOU. If you can't run walk. If you can't walk then dance! Whatever you it for you and be proud! YOU vs YOU

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Where My Strength Comes From...

Now, I'm not necessarily talking about physical strength. I'm talking about the strength it takes each day to get the job done. What job? Whatever it is that is before you that you must tackle and handle. For me "my help comes from The Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth" Psalms121:2. I know what you are thinking...yeah, yeah, yeah I've heard it before. But have you ever truly thought about it? Those days when you aren't sure if you can pick your head up off the pillow and look at the day. Where does that strength come from? When I'm not sure how I am going to get though that impossible situation. Where does my strength come from? When I'm not sure I can handle 4 boys that day. Where does my strength come from? My help comes from The Lord! Now, let's look at that from a physical standpoint. God gives me the strength to get through the day. The strength to get up. The strength to handle the situation. It's my job to give back. To give God the best me that I can. To work on protecting and taking care of what he has given me. My body, my mind, my heart and my soul. My whole being. Spending time in God's presence each day is essential for my physical well being. There are days I don't want to exercise and I don't. But, there are days I don't want to and do it anyway and I am usually blessed by that time. Knowing God has given me the ability and the strength to take care of myself. Not only for me but for all the boys in my life! Setting the example for them to follow so that they see the importance of taking care of what God has given us. Our bodies and our health are a gift...simply on loan. So lift your head and look to where your strength comes from. You might be surprised where blessings come from....even in your workout!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Beautiful Day!

What a beautiful day! The sun is shining bright and mid 70's today which made for a perfect day outside with my boys! Love that we are seeing fewer lately cold...days in the forecast and more 60-70 degrees with sunshine. Days like today make it hard to sit inside.  Especially when we are a homeschool family. Its great to be able to take the work outdoors or make the outdoors our classroom. For me there is no better workout than getting the kiddos outside and finding something to do. Today has resulted in a little four square, jumping on the trampoline, flying kites, making silly videos and a run is in the works for this afternoon with my oldest. No need to get to the gym everyday when you can make the outdoors your gym. The sun, fresh air, slight breeze...what could be better? Well, maybe if I was sitting on the beach, playing frisby and running through the waves....a girl can dream right! It won't be long.  I love to take one of my quick workouts outdoors with lunges (sometimes with 10lbs in each hand) up and down the driveway, squats, jumping jacks, and even doing a quick weighted arm workout out in the beautiful sunshine! I am able to enjoy the day and get my workout in also! So, get up, turn the TV off and get moving.  Hope you have a blessed day!

Be sure to stay hydrated on these warm days!
My hydration "go to" is AdvoCare Rehydrate. If I am working out
I mix my Rehydrate and my AdvoCare BioCharge together!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Be the Best YOU

We are never going to have everything perfect. Never going to have it all together. The days run together and pass by quickly and we often put off getting started on a fitness goal. At most we can only do as much as we can do. What I want you to think about when it comes to fitness is that something is better than nothing.  Get up and get moving at least 15-20 minutes a day. Get that heart rate up during that time. You have to start somewhere and there is no rule that says if you are going to exercise that you have to for an hour or more at a time.  Some of my best workouts are 30 minutes or less! If you can only get in a good 15 minutes make it worthwhile and push yourself a little. Be encouraged that you were able to spend that time on you during the day and commit to doing it again the next day. If your schedule allows add 5 or 10  minutes to that time and work a little harder! Keep it up you are doing great! Remember...drink plenty of water and stretch before and after you exercise.

    Be The Best You That You Can Be

Busy Day? Here are a few ideas to get your heart rate up...
- Got stairs? Take them up and down 5 or 6 times during lunch
- Go for a quick brisk walk during your lunch 
- jump rope (2 sets of 50)
- jumping jacks (try 100)
- jump squats (aim for 50)
- push-ups (shoot for 50)
- 50 mountain climbers
- 30 burpees
- 30 jump shots
These numbers don't work? shoot for a number that will and be proud that you did it!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Impossible to possible

What does fit look like for you? After four kids I found myself at my heaviest (non-pregnant) weight.  I was frustrated with the weight loss journey I was on and not seeing any results. Three years ago I lost over 30 lbs going from a size 10/12 to a 0/2 after starting our AdvoCare journey. This was awesome but I was far from fit. Skinny was skinny...skinny was not fit! My goal was to be strong. My goal was to be tone. My goal was to have muscles and definition. All of these things I thought were out of my reach for so long but I was wrong! I had already incorporated healthy eating to help me lose the weight so now was the time to incorporate the strength and cardio training I needed to become the strong mom I desired to be.  Setting the example for my kids was something that was a priority for me. When they see mom and dad making good decisions they will make good decisions as well. I will be sharing workouts, recipes as well as fitness tips that helped me on my journey in an effort to help you on yours.
What you have deemed impossible...might just be possible.


After four kids I can say I never thought I would have abs...that you could see that is! To have tone and definition after four kids is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! It takes time but you can have them also!!

Ab Workout

*Pre-Workout stretch to warm those muscles!

2 minutes of bicycle with rotation
20 Sky Rockets
10 V-Ups
1 minute of plank hold

(30 second break)

2 minutes of bicycle with rotation
20 Sky Rockets
5 V-Ups
30 second boat hold (with leg extension if you can)

(30 second break)

2 minutes of bicycle with rotation
20 Sky Rockets
5 V-Ups
Hold plant for as long as you can

Lay flat on your back stretching legs straight out and arms straight back over your head! You should feel that great ab stretch.

Great job!

My favorite Recovery products:
AdvoCare Nighttime Recovery and Post Workout Recovery

A Fit You

I am so excited about Write On Fit! Something I have been working and thinking about for quite some time. I want to use this as a place of encouragement for others in their journey to be not only fit but healthy! There are many things that encompass being fit and healthy. There is a physical journey as well as the mental one we often face throughout the process.  I pray this is a source of encouragement for you. I am here to offer resources to make your Fit journey the best that it can possibly be!