Thursday, February 26, 2015

Be the Best YOU

We are never going to have everything perfect. Never going to have it all together. The days run together and pass by quickly and we often put off getting started on a fitness goal. At most we can only do as much as we can do. What I want you to think about when it comes to fitness is that something is better than nothing.  Get up and get moving at least 15-20 minutes a day. Get that heart rate up during that time. You have to start somewhere and there is no rule that says if you are going to exercise that you have to for an hour or more at a time.  Some of my best workouts are 30 minutes or less! If you can only get in a good 15 minutes make it worthwhile and push yourself a little. Be encouraged that you were able to spend that time on you during the day and commit to doing it again the next day. If your schedule allows add 5 or 10  minutes to that time and work a little harder! Keep it up you are doing great! Remember...drink plenty of water and stretch before and after you exercise.

    Be The Best You That You Can Be

Busy Day? Here are a few ideas to get your heart rate up...
- Got stairs? Take them up and down 5 or 6 times during lunch
- Go for a quick brisk walk during your lunch 
- jump rope (2 sets of 50)
- jumping jacks (try 100)
- jump squats (aim for 50)
- push-ups (shoot for 50)
- 50 mountain climbers
- 30 burpees
- 30 jump shots
These numbers don't work? shoot for a number that will and be proud that you did it!

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