Monday, February 23, 2015

Impossible to possible

What does fit look like for you? After four kids I found myself at my heaviest (non-pregnant) weight.  I was frustrated with the weight loss journey I was on and not seeing any results. Three years ago I lost over 30 lbs going from a size 10/12 to a 0/2 after starting our AdvoCare journey. This was awesome but I was far from fit. Skinny was skinny...skinny was not fit! My goal was to be strong. My goal was to be tone. My goal was to have muscles and definition. All of these things I thought were out of my reach for so long but I was wrong! I had already incorporated healthy eating to help me lose the weight so now was the time to incorporate the strength and cardio training I needed to become the strong mom I desired to be.  Setting the example for my kids was something that was a priority for me. When they see mom and dad making good decisions they will make good decisions as well. I will be sharing workouts, recipes as well as fitness tips that helped me on my journey in an effort to help you on yours.
What you have deemed impossible...might just be possible.

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