Monday, February 23, 2015


After four kids I can say I never thought I would have abs...that you could see that is! To have tone and definition after four kids is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! It takes time but you can have them also!!

Ab Workout

*Pre-Workout stretch to warm those muscles!

2 minutes of bicycle with rotation
20 Sky Rockets
10 V-Ups
1 minute of plank hold

(30 second break)

2 minutes of bicycle with rotation
20 Sky Rockets
5 V-Ups
30 second boat hold (with leg extension if you can)

(30 second break)

2 minutes of bicycle with rotation
20 Sky Rockets
5 V-Ups
Hold plant for as long as you can

Lay flat on your back stretching legs straight out and arms straight back over your head! You should feel that great ab stretch.

Great job!

My favorite Recovery products:
AdvoCare Nighttime Recovery and Post Workout Recovery

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