Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday's Workout

Start with stretching to warm up those muscles for the workout ahead!

•Row machine 1000 meters in 8 min
•stairs for 10 minutes at a pace of 10 (you will sweat)
•12 minutes on the arc or elliptical

(Weight amount is what I use...please use what you are comfortable with)

Arm press with 70lbs 20,15,10,5
Shoulder press 30 lbs (15lbs each hand) 20,15,10,5
Bench free weights (15lbs each hand) 30 lbs 20,15,10,5
Flies 30lbs (15lbs each hand) 20,15,10,5
Curl 30lbs(15 lbs each hand) 20,15,10,5
Rows with 15 lb weight 20,15,10,5
Tricep ext. 15 lb weight 20,15,10,5

25 sky rockets
2 min. Ab bicycles
20 v-ups
(Repeat x 1)

Drink plenty of water! My choice for during my workout is AdvoCare BioCharge mixed with Red Raspberry Rehydrate

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