Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Beautiful Day!

What a beautiful day! The sun is shining bright and mid 70's today which made for a perfect day outside with my boys! Love that we are seeing fewer cool...here lately cold...days in the forecast and more 60-70 degrees with sunshine. Days like today make it hard to sit inside.  Especially when we are a homeschool family. Its great to be able to take the work outdoors or make the outdoors our classroom. For me there is no better workout than getting the kiddos outside and finding something to do. Today has resulted in a little four square, jumping on the trampoline, flying kites, making silly videos and a run is in the works for this afternoon with my oldest. No need to get to the gym everyday when you can make the outdoors your gym. The sun, fresh air, slight breeze...what could be better? Well, maybe if I was sitting on the beach, playing frisby and running through the waves....a girl can dream right! It won't be long.  I love to take one of my quick workouts outdoors with lunges (sometimes with 10lbs in each hand) up and down the driveway, squats, jumping jacks, and even doing a quick weighted arm workout out in the beautiful sunshine! I am able to enjoy the day and get my workout in also! So, get up, turn the TV off and get moving.  Hope you have a blessed day!

Be sure to stay hydrated on these warm days!
My hydration "go to" is AdvoCare Rehydrate. If I am working out
I mix my Rehydrate and my AdvoCare BioCharge together!